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Los Angeles is not the city of my birth, but it is my city. I came for my own reasons and didn’t think I’d stay. But it has become the place I call home because I have lived most of my life here.

Los Angeles is so many different things to so many different people. It is the land of pleasant weather, a place where the mountains meet the ocean, creating beautiful natural landscapes. Los Angeles is Hollywood, the place people came if they wanted to be in the movies. It is also, like most big cities, home to so many people who live far away from the ocean and know no movie stars. But they came to this city for their own reasons and have made this city their home.

Los Angeles may not be perfect, but, like an imperfect house, it becomes a home when it is filled with the people you want to be with. The people I meet pique my interest and I want to know more about them. What were their lives like before we met? What brought them here or made them stay?

My adopted city is like a kaleidoscope. We are all those fantastic pieces of brilliant glass, shaken into our own unique design by the human circumstance, each one different from the other. In this offering I try to show how these glass pieces come together to create the individual pattern of our lives.

Despite the sun and the ocean, this city is, by no means, an easy place to live. So why do people decide to stay here? They are happy to share their stories with me and I hope you will read them and get to know these people who make my city the place it is.