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⋅ MY LOS ANGELES ⋅ Los Angeles is not the city of my birth, but it is my city. I came for my own reasons and didn’t think I’d stay. But it has become the place I call home because I have lived most of my life here. Los Angeles
⋅ BOBBY'S STORY ⋅ Bobby is a blues sax player, singer and composer who grew up in Oakland and came to Los Angeles because, at the time, this was the happening place for music. He is well-known and regarded on the blues circuit in Los Angeles and has his name on
JOSEPH'S STORY . Joseph is the president and co-founder, along with Racquel Decipeda, of Hearts for Sight Foundation, a Los Angeles area based non-profit that seeks to enhance the physical, social and mental health of the visually impaired community. I met Joseph as a volunteer on one of the hikes
⋅ ANA'S STORY ⋅ Ana is an immigrant who came from Guatemala, entering the US through the desert at the Southern border, and finally being led to Los Angeles. She lives in Los Angeles and has had various jobs. She worked in a sewing factory for a while and now
⋅ A FIRST PANDEMIC HIKE ⋅ On a clear day last November, two of us from Sierra Club ICO stand with a group of 25 youth at Topanga State Park’s Trippet Ranch. We stand here in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains, feeling the weight of Topanga’s history. We
⋅ A PERFECT MARRIAGE ⋅ Do you know what it is like to be out in nature when you are missing one of your senses? At the Sierra Club’s Inspiring Connections Outdoors, we are finding out. We recently partnered with an agency called Hearts For Sight that encourages blind and
⋅ OIL WELLS OF LA ⋅ For many years I didn't know that I lived near so many oil wells in my dense Los Angeles neighborhood. That office building about ¼ mile from me?  It’s a façade for a recently closed oil and gas extraction site.       The