They were very strict. We couldn’t dance, I remember they had dances at school. She wouldn’t let me go anywhere. How do I explain it? Their religion was very strict.

And when I got to be 9, well it started when I was 8, the Jehovah’s Witnesses trained you how to speak, teaching the scriptures. They called it “talks”. I remember the first one was about Moses. My grandmother wrote it all out. Everything I had to say, when I had to give a gesture, everything. When I got older I had to do my own. I was a good speaker though.

And I could really articulate. I don’t know how old I was when I had to make my own. Can’t remember any of my speeches either. But they would teach you how to gesture, how to make your voice go up and down. They would teach you all of that. I’m sure it helped with my teaching later on because I did it for so many years.

They taught you how: When you first get up there, don’t say anything. Pause and look out at your audience. They just taught you all kind of stuff. Oh yeah. They taught you how to articulate, make it louder, softer. I don’t know how to explain it, but they taught you the basics of how to talk to people—public speaking.

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